Who to Vote for? Beheaded Politicians and Other Problems

Yesterday we voted for those who will represent us at local council and also European levels. Confronted by an endless list of potential candidates for both of these, I frankly just ignored most of them and voted for “the best of a bad lot.” I find myself voting strategically, to keep (what I would consider to be) really bad potentials out, rather than, for the most part, enthusiastically voting for anyone because I want them “in.” The longer I live in this old world, the stronger I have the feeling that “this world is not my home… I’m just a passing through.”

A quick glance down the list of hopefuls tells you a few things about human nature. Some of them I had never even heard of before. There was nothing about them online but they seem to think everybody knows them. These are the egoists and narcissists. Then there are the smug hopefuls who are resting on the laurels of past achievements. Worst of all are the lunatics who want drugs and drink driving legalised.

It can’t be easy being a politician, I suppose, while being in the public eye all the time. I was away in a different part of the country earlier this week and encountered quite a lot of posters with defaced and “beheaded” election candidates. However, I think that the general population resent the fact that many politicians apply a different set of rules and standards to themselves, than they do to others, particularly when it comes to monetary matters.  Surely a politician should be a servant of the people – not a dictator with special privileges?

I see little (if any) Biblical standards applied to their decision making and in their referendum proposals and often as not they just want to put through (often harmful) legislation without democratically putting it to the electorate. There is no doubt that politics belongs to this world – and not the world to come. I look forward to that Realm when Jesus will reign as King. I love the old hymn… “Sing we the King who is coming to reign” and I sang it today to myself. We sing on and we look up, ever to the blue heavens beyond the clouds, for the appearing of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, who is coming for His people. Praise God, at the end of this world’s sinful tunnel where darkness and lies abound, there He dwells in His eternal light, love, peace and truth. Still, we pray on for loved ones to see His truth and turn their backs on the ways of this old world.

Truth shines quietly through the tides of time;
While fallacies of men lie dying on life’s shore.
Yes, God’s truth shall ever reign sublime,
For His Word is set in Heaven forevermore.

© Elizabeth Burke

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6 Responses to “Who to Vote for? Beheaded Politicians and Other Problems”

  1. Cathy Says:

    Voting for “best of a bad lot” sums it up here also. Many believers here are very into politics. Too much so I believe. I think the older we get the more we long for our heavenly home with the Lord.

  2. Tom Says:

    Thanks for this post. Here in the U.S., many evangelicals are deeply enmeshed in politics, hoping the Republican Party can turn the country back to “morality.” It’s a false hope. Both parties are corrupt. Better we should focus on the Gospel.

    • readywriterpublications Says:

      Thanks Tom. Very true. Even people who would call themselves Christians here are very into politics in USA. I find this idolising of certain politicians strange, to say the least. As you say, our focus should be on the gospel.

  3. Nancy Homlitas Says:

    I commiserate with your frustration, Elizabeth. It’s difficult to wade through the propaganda and unreliable news coverage. I wish you the best of luck in choosing the right candidates. 🙂

    • readywriterpublications Says:

      Thanks Nancy. Yesterday, as I stood in the polling booth, deciding who to give my “1, 2, 3 etc” to I felt that I was sitting an examination! Now I understand why some people don’t vote at all but I always pray that I’ll be guided to do the right thing.

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