Posts Tagged ‘Tracts’


March 17, 2024

Today my mind travelled back to the early 1980’s, when we travelled into the city of Dublin to give out tracts during the St. Patrick’s Day parades. I remember feeling back then that this day of festivities had little to do with Christianity, but today I feel that even more so.

As the years go by this form of outreach becomes more difficult – but there are many other ways the Lord would have His children reach out, whatever their limitations. He would have us seize opportunities and use occasions to reach out, for that night is coming when no man can work. (John 9v4) When we pray about this, He shows us what we should do and when He opens a door – no man can shut it! (Revelation 3v8)

Oh Lord I pray that you’d help me today,
To reach many souls who are going astray;
For the Day is coming when all is revealed,
And the fate of mankind forever is sealed.
© Elizabeth Burke

The Decline of the Ash Tree

June 30, 2023

(I have modified the following into tract form, to leave in garden centres etc.)

There is a serious tree disease spreading quickly across Europe which is resulting in a high percentage of mortality rates. Our home is surrounded by trees which provide wonderful protection from those east winds blowing up from the Irish Sea – but unfortunately they are predominantly Ash trees. Some weeks ago one snapped behind our home, its great fall to the ground sounding like thunder. On another day the sky was black as night at times; there was thunder and lightning with giant hailstones falling and as I drove home I saw a large tree lying across the road. It was another Ash tree… A few minutes earlier and that Ash tree could have fallen across our car, causing injury or worse to us, never mind damage to the car. An electricity worker told us there was a dangerous “live wire” on the road and so I turned and drove a long route home.

Much research is in progress to discover how best to protect the Ash tree and aid its recovery, using information about its Asian contemporary (which appears to be immune to the disease) but we are still dismayed by this sight of dying trees, as Ireland has such a large percentage of Ash. The Ash tree (which can live for 400 years and longer) is used for furniture, walking sticks, sports and garden implements etc. and when it is growing provides nesting facilities and shelter for many birds and animals.

There was a garden long ago which was perfect in every way and the people who lived there were perfect too. All disease, whether in mankind, animals or trees has its roots in the fall of mankind. No disease existed in the beautiful Garden of Eden; all vegetation, animals and people were perfectly healthy…

Because of the sin of mankind, unfortunately death came upon all. “Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin, and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned.” (Romans 5v12)

Praise God, the man Christ Jesus came into this world and we read that “For as by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.” (Romans 5v19)

The Lord Jesus Christ died and rose again, so that you may have the joy of looking forward to eternity with Him, free from fear, disease, suffering, anxiety and the burdens of this life. Why not cast all your care upon Him this day… for He cares for you! (1Peter 5v7) In His strength, through the ups and downs of life, His children live by faith each day, in the knowledge that each new day is another day closer to being reunited with their loving Creator and Saviour.

We read in the Bible that all of creation groans: “For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.” (Romans 8v22) We are also told that this earth will be burned up and there will be a new heaven and a new earth “wherein dwelleth righteousness.” (2Peter 3v10-13)

Are you ready for this day? The Bible tells us in Matthew 24v27: “For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.” Having seen lightning recently I was shocked by how swiftly it moves across the heavens!

I trusted the Lord Jesus to save me many years ago and daily I thank Him for His salvation. I thank Him for protection from the danger of a falling tree – but also for the knowledge that whatever happens in this life, good or bad, He will take care of me and help me to live a blameless life (2Peter 3v14) and I can also have that assurance of having “right to the tree of life.” (Revelation 22v14)

Perhaps you would like to pray along the lines of something I whispered all those years ago in the quietness of my thoughts: “Please Lord, forgive me. Come into my life and carry me from darkness into Your Light.” He will answer that prayer, for He has said… “Him that cometh unto me, I will in no wise cast out.” (John 6v37) May the Lord bless and be with you as you ponder life’s most serious question… “Where will I spend eternity?”

Asking the Lord for Courage

May 28, 2023

I was alone one day recently when I noticed the praying group on the street. They were standing in a semi-circle outside a cathedral in the centre of the town and many of them were holding rosary beads. The month of May, as I have previously said, is a month of lovely blossom – but it is also a month which is associated with the veneration of Mary. As the low monotonous hum of their voices continued, a feeling of despair washed over me. The Lord Jesus Christ had paid the ultimate price for each one of them and yet, here they were standing below a grey sky (which looked like it was about to burst with rain) reciting those words which would never do them any good, either in this life and more importantly – in the next.

I felt a few tracts in my pocket… but not enough and perhaps I should have… but I didn’t feel that I should approach them right then when they were in the middle of that prayer/recitation… “pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death…”  As I continued up the street I saw a text in large clear capitals attached to a lamp post…


A Christian had pinned those words there (perhaps a long time ago), not so far from where the group were standing.

As I turned into the shop that I had been intending to go to, I felt uneasy. I knew that the Lord wanted me to turn back and approach them. “Please Lord, give me courage,” I whispered. I felt the Lord’s Presence and His leading instructing me to return to the group and I also felt that He was telling me that there was one person there who would accept a tract willingly. This person was a woman and it was shown to me that the Lord would reveal to me who she was.

Out on the street again, I walked back to them and they were still there, their recitation more vehement than before. As I walked over with the few tracts, I had the distinct impression that most of them were not at all happy about being approached and that they knew what I was about. Perhaps I should have given the few I had to as many as I could but I didn’t feel led to do this. One lady suddenly stopped her recitation, looked at me with a bright and friendly smile and held out her hand for a tract before I had even offered it. This was the lady that the Lord had in mind.

It may seem like a small incident but I do believe that the Lord had a purpose in all of this. I pray for all of those people that they would see truth and know the wonder of the Presence of the Lord Jesus Christ in their lives. Perhaps this one lady, who looked younger than those around her, was seeking… only time and eternity will reveal many things. I do pray for the schoolchildren, too, who had all been queuing up to enter the cathedral. Upon my return, they had gone inside. Those young lives, perhaps preparing for confirmation… how terrible to think that they were being brought up in this iniquitous system. Let us leave the Lord’s Word in these buildings, wherever they are, for who knows what shall be the result…

“Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days.” (Ecclesiastes 11v1)

“He that observeth the wind shall not sow; and he that regardeth the clouds shall not reap.” (Ecclesiastes 11v4) “In the morning sow thy seed, and in the evening withhold not thy hand: for thou knowest not whether shall prosper, either this or that, or whether they both shall be alike good.” (Ecclesiastes 11v6)

“Who Can Track a Tract?” “Cast Thy Bread Upon the Waters…”

June 25, 2022

I was reminded this week of one of Roger Carswell’s little tracts (this one for Christians): “Who Can Track a Tract?” I picked up the latter at a convention he was speaking at in County Cork and was encouraged to read in it how tracts have been used greatly of the Lord. He tells how the founder of Hawes Creamery picked up a discarded tract when he was a teenager, read it and was converted through it. The story of how John Hudson Taylor (pioneer missionary to China) was saved through a tract is there, as is the story of how a pamphlet written by Martin Luther fell into the hands of John Bunyan, author of “Pilgrim’s Progress” helped him to Christ.

This little tract: “Who can Track a Tract” is a good one for distributing amongst Christians as it has a work to do in itself in encouraging them to reach out. It outlines the many advantages of the tract which can be “a powerful proclaimer of the gospel.” Tracts (unlike me!) do not get tongue-tied and they are instant proclaimers of the gospel which can be read by all types of people in all types of situations. He talks in it of how he regularly “loses” tracts in telephone kiosks, public transport seats, library books, pre-paid envelopes and other places where he knows they will be found. When travelling overseas he always obtains some with the native language, passing them to waiters, hoteliers and contacts. Of course all of this must be accompanied by much prayer and he is encouraged by such verses as “Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days.” (Ecclesiastes 11v1)

I feel an assurance in my heart that when we honour the Lord in this domain, then, most definitely we will discover the fruit of our labours “after many days” – if not here, then certainly in eternity.

There are people out there who will never enter an evangelical church door, hear a traditional gospel message or come in contact with a Christian who witnesses to them but they will someday chance upon a tract. The writer himself (an English man who has written many tracts) has come in contact with people who have told him how they were saved through the reading of tracts. One was a worker for Royal mail and another was a railway carriage cleaner who had been working through the night when he picked up a tract and came to know the Lord through it. Mr Carswell says that he always keeps some tracts on his person wherever he is – something I should have thought of a few days ago!

This week I happened to be in a store and not being able to find the item I was looking for, I asked a young lady assistant who was pricing items and packing shelves. She had the words: “I’m here to help” written on the back of her uniform, so I assumed she could speak English. With a friendly smile and broken English she assured me that she hadn’t a clue what I was talking about. “Ukrainian” she said, pointing to herself. I assured her in sign language, with a smile, that it was ok, I would find the item myself. Then I remembered the few Ukrainian tracts I had picked up at the convention but they were in the boot of the car. After purchasing the item, I went out and retrieved a tract which was entitled the Ukrainian equivalent of “Key to Life” – a tract which I also have in English.

To my dismay I couldn’t find her when I returned but then I suddenly turned around and there she was smiling brightly, like she remembered me. I said: “Welcome to Ireland!” and presented her with the tract and my contact details. I felt that this whole episode was of the Lord and I pray that His Word will not “return unto Him void.” As I’m not an urban dweller, it is possible for days to pass before I see anyone that I’ve never given a tract to – but there are many other ways to be a witness. And sometimes our lives can be that witness too…  May the Lord bless in these dark days, as we endeavour to reach others for Him and let us not “be weary in well doing.” (Galatians 6v9)

“They that sow in tears shall reap in joy…” (Psalm 126v5)

Father’s Day Reflections

June 18, 2022

Father’s Day is celebrated on different days in different countries and this year Ireland and the U.K., amongst many other countries, will celebrate it on Sunday, 19th June. My father-in-law had a great interest in old steam trains and somehow I always remember this on significant anniversaries connected with him. I like to use certain occasions as the Lord leads and have adapted the following as a simple little A5 tract/leaflet in personal outreach and also conclude with a Wordsearch “Fathers of the Bible,” (not included here)…

I miss my father and my father-in-law who passed away in 2011 and 2014 respectively. I miss being able to give a Father’s Day card to these loved ones, although thankfully, I still have the joy of being able to give my husband a card.

I had a good relationship with both my father and father-in-law, but I realise that this is not the case for everybody. Fathers can let us down and mothers can let us down as we can see in scripture… “When my mother and my father forsake me, then the Lord will take me up.” (Psalm 27v10)

However, praise God there is an eternal Father who loves us, cares deeply for us – and who will never let us down. God the Father loved you and me as individuals, so much so that He gave His only begotten Son to be our Saviour.

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.” (John 3v16&17)

He wants the very best for us – both in this life and the next. And we can be sure that we will go to be with Him in heaven, if only we can see His love for us, repent of our sin and trust Him to be our Saviour.

A decision to follow the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour, does not mean that we must join an organisation or a church.

Jesus said: “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11v28)

“I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” (John 14v6)

“For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?” (Matthew 16v26)

Whether you are a father today, or you have never had any children – He loves you and wants to direct your life. Indeed, whether you are a father, a mother, a son or a daughter, He can come into your life and make you a better person – and a happier, more fulfilled person.

An Evening Reflection on My Heavenly Father

Softly shivers the gentle breeze

Amongst the full-leafed summer trees,

While silhouetted against the sky

The birds of twilight quietly fly.

Beyond the rolling hills of green,

The sea lies deepest blue. Serene.

And as I behold the setting sun,

I thank my Lord for all He has done;

Fiery shades of evening etched across the sky,

Proclaim His loving mercy, in coming for all to die.

© Elizabeth Burke

“For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things: to whom be glory for ever, Amen.” (Romans 11v36)

The beautiful Psalm 1 is something which always reminds me of my father, as he encouraged us to learn it off by heart as children. I quote the first 3 verses…

“Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he meditate day and night. And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.” (Psalm 1v1-3)

Though your earthly father may always have been a loving person, no love can ever amount to the love that God has for you as an individual – and He understands you more than any earthly person ever will. I pray that this experience of knowing your Heavenly Father will be yours today. Perhaps you would like to pray these words…

“Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you for sending your only Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to be my Saviour. Please forgive me for all sins I have ever committed and come into my life to make me a new person, that I may have the assurance of knowing that I can go to be in heaven with you when I depart this life. Direct my life and help me to find fellowship with those who share my experience.”

“Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.” (1John 4v10)

Unspeakable Evil – a Tract

May 2, 2022

I found this tiny picture that I gave my husband nearly 40 years ago. This promise of Jesus in John 14v3 “I will come again” on an old and peaceful lakeside scene is so different to the battle scenes and devastation that come before our eyes in these terrible days.

No sooner had a chink of light shone into the pandemic cave of despair, than an evil war brought a tidal wave of refugees to our shores. Lord, never more fervently do we pray for “thy Kingdom come” and “thy will be done.” Some of the scenes and stories of horror that confront us daily from Ukraine are too distressing for words. I was particularly horrified by certain incidents which have occurred in recent times. No, I do not believe everything the media tells me… but I have absolutely no doubt that certain things have happened – and more, as one of my daughters works with refugees and hears their stories.

This cruel and evil world is going to end some day because the Bible says it will. (Matthew 24v14). “But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.” (2Peter 3v10).

But are you ready for the return of the Lord Jesus Christ who said…

“Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.” (Matthew 24v44)

“For whosoever shall be ashamed of me and my words, of him shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he shall come in his own glory, and in his Father’s, and of the holy angels.” (Luke 9v26)

If you have not a full assurance of being “ready” either for your own death or for the return of the Lord Jesus Christ, then please do so today, for tomorrow may be too late. It is good to be aware of these five facts…

Firstly, be aware that the Lord Jesus Christ loves you and died for you, no matter who you are or what you have done. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3v16)

Secondly, recognise that you are a sinner… “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3v23) It’s true that, by the world’s standards, you may be a good person but God judges us by His standards.

Thirdly, you cannot save yourself. “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that nor of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.” (Eph. 2v8&9) Your good works and your church going cannot save you.

Fourthly, be also aware that a decision to repent of your sin and ask the Lord Jesus Christ into your life does not mean that you must join an organisation or a church.

Fifthly, there is an urgency about this… be aware that if you are outside of Christ upon His return (or your death) you will go to a lost eternity, to a place called “hell.” In the Bible Jesus spoke more about hell than He did about heaven because He had no wish for anyone to go there. He is “not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” (2Peter 3v9)

If you ask Him to come to live in your heart now, believe me when I say that the “the rest of your life will be the best of your life,” for I have proved this in my own life.  This doesn’t mean that life will not throw some awful events your way, but it does mean that when you are faced with bereavement or serious illness either in your own life or in that of a loved one, or indeed any other type of trauma, that you can face it in His strength, in the wonderful knowledge that some day “all tears will be wiped away” and that you will spend  all of eternity in the Presence of the Lord Jesus Christ who loved you and gave Himself for you.

“And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes: and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.” (Revelation 21v4)

Perhaps you would like to pray along the following lines… “Thank you Lord for dying for me at Calvary. Please forgive me for all sins I have ever committed in my life and come into my heart to make me a new person. Help me to live daily in your presence, to read your Word, to tell others of my new life in You and to find fellowship with those who share my experience.”

We are promised in Romans 10v9: “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.”

If you have trusted Him as your personal Saviour, you will want to tell others and to pray for those who are still outside of His grace. You will also have a natural desire to “grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.” (2Peter 3v18)

The best place to start reading the Bible is in the New Testament, followed by the Old Testament; I have a personal preference for the Authorised Version, which I believe has been greatly used of the Lord over the centuries.

If you have trusted Him, remember that you are now saved unto good works… (Ephesians 2v10) which means that your good works are a sign of new life in Christ. May these portions of scripture be applied to your life…

“Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4v6&7)

“Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.” (Philippians 1v6) Yes, this old world is “waxing worse and worse” (2Timothy 3v13) and Jesus has said “I will come again.” (John 14v3) As each second brings us closer to eternity, I trust that you would truly know as Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ who loved you enough to leave the glory of His Heavenly Kingdom and “Who gave himself for our sins, that he might deliver us from this present evil world, according to the will of God and our Father: To whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.” (Galatians 1v4&5)

I Hate Queuing!

November 11, 2021

During one of the lockdowns here all non-essential retail outlets were closed and then came the “great re-opening” when things improved. I remember seeing queues and queues of people waiting to enter one of these outlets when it opened again and thought… ‘Nothing, but nothing could ever entice me to stand waiting in a queue that long.’

I remember another queue of a different type… an extremely long queue of people waiting to see the “relics” of St. Thérèse of Lisieux which had arrived at a monastery here. This is a little extract from something I wrote years ago…

“One afternoon, some years previously, I had overheard a conversation between two ladies in a charity shop. “They’re bringing the relics of St. Thérèse to the monastery. Are you going?” At this I pricked up my ears, because the monastery in question was close to where I lived. Driving home, I thought: ‘what an opportunity! There will be dozens of people there. Perhaps I could give out copies of a priest’s testimony’… And so, to work – the local office bureau made a lot of money from photocopies that day! However, the great evening arrived, and I was absolutely terrified. Taking one look at the hundreds (not dozens) of people who were queuing to see the relics, and then at my feeble few leaflets, I felt like running away! Instead, I prayed, took a deep breath, and started to distribute them. Initially I had received smiles of approval and thanks, from those who had just received their leaflets. (Possibly they thought that I was connected with the event.) Then I began to hear muttering from those who had had an opportunity to read their leaflets, from further back in the queue. Despite this, not one was dropped to the ground, and only eternity shall reveal the outcome. My only regret is that so few of the people got one…”

The memory of these two incidents also reminded me that “I have need of patience” – and I have need of courage. As regards patience, the Lord doesn’t expect us to stand waiting in queues for material reasons but a certain amount of patience is required when it comes to soul winning – and an awful lot of courage.

It wasn’t easy to approach all those people but I was reminded that “whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation: of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.” (Mark 8v38)

What courage it took to take a stand in those days when men and women were burned at the stake or horribly tortured for their love of the Lord Jesus Christ and His Word. Those times could well come again but meanwhile I believe that we are still living in days when there is a certain amount of liberty with regard to the distribution of Christian literature. When we hear of or see a queue forming (for whatever reason), perhaps we should use this as an opportunity to distribute something good which would spiritually benefit those who are waiting. People can only say “no thanks.” Yes, we may hate queuing but we must love those who queue and of course in these days, queues I have discovered, can be for medical reasons.  How the Master loves all those people and gave His life for them, that they would by faith turn to Him in the weary ways of life – and turn from idolatry, whether in the realm of the material things of this world – or idolatrous “religious relics.”

A Letter I Wrote About Events in Afghanistan… Twenty Years Ago

September 2, 2021

Some days ago I happened to find documents from twenty years ago and was amazed to find a copy of this old letter which was later published in a newspaper. On the subject of the transition from letter writing to emails, it is amazing how technology changes, yet certain societies, while advancing technologically, remain firmly entrenched in uncivilised behaviour, as is evidenced by the spectacle of individuals pointing their smart phones at seventh century barbaric behaviour.

My eyes scanned the letter and I shook my head sadly because I was thinking about the terrible events in the past couple of weeks. It was dated 1st October, 2001 and spoke of the cruelty of the Taliban in Afghanistan and also referred to the then recent horrific event of September 11th 2001.

 Dear Sir,

I was dismayed by the mere suggestion, in last week’s Independent, that we should now recognise the Taliban Movement. If ‘recognise’ means that we should ‘give credence to as a legitimate and respectable organisation’, then anyone with an inkling of what the Taliban stands for would have to disagree.

Under Taliban law, schools for girls have been closed; women are not permitted to have careers outside of the home and are publicly beaten if they refuse to be completely covered and veiled in public. Also, within Afghanistan’s starving community, women are not allowed to be trained as doctors, which is ludicrous since female patients are not permitted to be cared for by male doctors. The results are inevitable.

Please, let us not give credence to an organisation whose philosophy has claimed many thousands of precious lives, as recently as September 11th last. Long ago, Jesus in His compassion, interrupted the stoning of a woman, and dismissed her accusers with these words: “He that is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone at her.” (John 8v7). Today, over 2000 years later, women and men are still stoned to death in societies where Islamic Fundamentalism prevails. In Ireland we live in a society where civil and religious liberty is still upheld. We can love others, while perhaps not agreeing with their philosophy or religion. My personal belief is that Jesus, in His great love for every soul in mankind (Osama bin Laden and all suicide bombers included) died for all that we might have freedom from sin, happiness and a love for others in our hearts. Surely we can abhor philosophies which only bring degradation to mankind, while still loving and praying for the individuals ensnared in them?

Yours faithfully,

E. Burke.

How dismaying the thought that, after all this time little, if anything has been achieved and that country has yet again been plunged into misery. A common question people ask is: “Do you remember where you were when you heard about the attack on the twin towers?” I was just about to drive to collect my children from school when I heard the start of the news alert. Twenty years on – and mankind is still as decadent as ever, if not more so. This has certainly been a challenging new century so far. I often wonder how people cope on a daily basis without the Lord in their lives. Nobody knows what is lurking around the corner either globally – or for them personally. We need a Rock, an unchanging and loving Friend who is always there for us 24/7. Praise God, that perfect Friend lives in the hearts of those who trust Him and “…He faileth not.” (Zephaniah 3v5) I trusted Him over 40 years ago and can never thank Him enough for all that He has done for me in the often distressing times of life. This Friend, the Lord Jesus Christ is alive for evermore and I have that assurance in my heart that one day I will meet Him. He wants you too to have that deep assurance and if you have never repented and trusted Him as Saviour, He still beckons you. “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11v28)

Fast forward another twenty years and this world may no longer exist or you and I may no longer be alive but either way, our souls will be alive – somewhere. The great question is… “Where?” Praise God we can have assurance of sins forgiven and a Home in Heaven. Jesus said… “Him that cometh to me, I will in no wise cast out.” (John 6v37) Whatever happens in this old world or in our own lives in the years ahead, it is His will that we rest and take refuge in His unchanging love and care for us, until that Day when we meet Him face to face. That Day may be sooner than we think. The last recorded words of Jesus are… “Surely I come quickly.” (Revelation 22v20) May you trust in His redeeming blood and know His loving Presence in your life in these uncertain times.

Will there be any Stars in my Crown?

July 12, 2021

Heaven will reveal so much and I believe that we must work for the night is coming “when no man can work.” (John 9v4)

As Christians, when we look back down the years of our lives, we can remember little instances when the Lord led us to reach out – perhaps under strange circumstances. We are links in a chain and the Lord will use your gifts and your unique life for His glory. Believe it or not, there are people in this life who may only ever meet one Christian in their lives – and that one Christian will be you.

When I look back down the years I see in my mind’s eye a Roman Catholic priest I vaguely knew sitting talking to his friend (another priest) at a little restaurant in the countryside where my youngest daughter and I had stopped for lunch. I had a couple of ex-priest’s testimony tracts in my pocket and took them out to look at them. My daughter said… “Oh no, you’re not Mum, are you…” She knew what I was about to do on our way out of the restaurant, as we walked past them – and I did, although it does take courage, which is not my strong point. Just recently I saw the death notice of one of those priests online and I shall never regret leaving the tracts with them, although their reaction was not so favourable at the time. But who knows…

One evening not long after my conversion, when I was quite young, I heard the Lord speak clearly to me and He was asking me to do something for Him, which in a sense seemed like a strange request. It was a dark, cold and damp windy night as I sat in my little bedroom, hearing that ‘still small voice’ urging me to get dressed again and go with a tract down the lonely avenue and across the busy road to the old public telephone kiosk. (Those were the days before mobile phones). I was weary after a full day’s work, but to this day that small incident stands out in my mind and I am so glad that I was obedient, for I feel certain that it was intended for some specific person. Was it that lorry driver who drew up in the darkness of the night…? I only know that next morning the tract had disappeared from the kiosk. This little incident is very firmly imprinted on my memory because the Lord spoke to me so strongly.

Sometimes in this age we live in, we can become discouraged, wondering have many ever responded to our outreach but the one thing that we must always remember is that the Lord’s Word will not return unto Him void. (Isaiah 55v11) I remember finding a crumpled tract lying in a shopping trolley outside a supermarket. I lifted it, smoothed it out and put it in my pocket. Later one day, my husband and I were visiting an old graveyard, when we got talking to a retired gentleman who said that he found it fascinating to go around Ireland recording all the locations of old forgotten graveyards and their history. He said that his wife was irritated with this new occupation. “You’ll spend eternity in a graveyard… keep out of them while you’re alive.” She had apparently said. This gave us opportunity to speak to this man and I gave him the tract from the shopping trolley which was still in my pocket, as well as one of my books.

I remember reaching out to an elderly lady called Martha in Edinburgh, Scotland and later receiving a letter from a friend of hers to say that she had passed away. I honestly believe that Martha had trusted the Lord, from what this friend was saying. Many more little incidents in our lives can be forgotten about but remember that some day you may be overjoyed to meet those people to whom you were a witness.

Sometimes we may be led into dark places and situations in our lives, so that the Lord can use these lives of ours to His glory. This could be your own serious illness and hospitalisation, or that of a loved one – but the opportunities are enormous and one day all will be revealed. Only eternity will show the reasons why certain unpleasant events come to pass in our lives and praise God it will be worth it all.

On a wet miserable winter’s night on a train you hand a stranger a tract or Christian literature, or wearily you reach out to another patient in a hospital bed – and that stranger (now your brother or sister in the Lord) could some glorious day be running to greet you in heaven, joyfully with open arms. Praise God, some day it will be worth it all.

“Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days.” (Ecclesiastes 11v1)

I Can Do All Things through Christ Which Strengtheneth Me (Philippians 4v13)

April 10, 2019

Yes, I can; I can drive many miles through heavy city traffic, I can pray while someone I love is going through procedures and treatments – and I can trust the Lord each day for whatever it may bring. He is my strength and my shield through all the changing scenes of life. What is more – He can assist me to be a witness and a comfort to those I come in contact with in that place. Someday I will understand why certain things happen but for the moment I walk by faith, His thousands of promises filling my heart. “The righteous cry, and the Lord heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles.” (Psalm 34v17)

If all of my life had been filled with joy, good days and laughter, how could I empathise with those who are suffering? I would nod as they tell me of their troubles and try to understand but no one can even start to understand unless they have been there.

Jesus walked this earth and understands – and His timing is perfect, as regards the people we meet, seemingly by chance. But it is never by chance, as I have discovered this very day. He gave me the words for the little tract: “Words of Love, Hope & Comfort Especially for You” over a year ago (29th January 2018) and He has assisted me to give copies to people as He directs. Yes, I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me… including having the courage to speak to others. I “test the waters” first, as not everyone wants to speak. A smile, a comment, a friendly two-way conversation and then, in the Lord’s strength, showing them that you understand, you care – and what the Source of your own strength is. Only He can give us real love and compassion for others.

“Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort; Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God.” (2Corinthians 1v3&4)

No, nothing is by chance. Ultimately, as soldiers in the Lord’s army, we are placed strategically in certain places and at certain times – to reach certain souls. And I firmly believe that we will meet some souls that we have spoken to some beautiful day in Heaven.

There are times when my heart is heavy but I turn and place my burdens on the God of all comfort, for His ways are perfect and I know that no matter what happens in this scene of time to His children… “weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.” (Psalm 30v5)